History of Kids In Tech

Our history in creating the next generation of Technology users...

Kids in Tech launched its first After School Tech Club in 2016. Founder Olu Ibrahim had a vision of sparking the same curiosity for learning and commitment to community that her parents had instilled in her. Her love of technology was born when her father brought home a Gateway 2000 PC and told his children that it was “the future”.

As a teacher, she observed that many children lacked the tools and opportunities to study computer science and pursue tech careers. Her research showed unlimited potential for all children, regardless of socioeconomic status, to fully participate in the next wave of technological innovation. This was the impetus that led to the launch of Kids in Tech.

Ibrahim spent the first half of 2015 researching community needs, raising funds, developing a program model, and writing the curriculum for the After School Tech Club program, which continues to grow, bringing tech education to kids who will be the next generation of technology users, innovators, and success stories.

We’re on a mission to change that.

At Kids in Tech, we believe that every child has the potential to be a technology leader of tomorrow.

Our after-school tech clubs are designed to sparking that same curiosity for learning and commitment to the community in kids today.

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