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Media Contacts:

Olu Ibrahim
Executive Director, Kids in Tech

Marissa Samuels
VP, Corporate Communications, Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Kids in Tech Announces Catalyst Partnership with Collegium Pharmaceutical

Boston (March 1, 2023): Kids in Tech (KIT) is thrilled to announce a new $50k partnership with Stoughton-based Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (“Collegium Pharmaceutical”) to invest in our flagship After-School Tech Clubs program that brings free STEM education to kids from low-income households throughout the Greater Boston area.

Currently, the After-School Tech Clubs serve 120 students ages 8 to 14, who gather in small groups after school with professional educators and skilled volunteers to guide them in fun, hands-on technology learning activities, including computer programming, coding, audiovisual production, and more. Our partnership sites in Lowell are the Lowell Housing Authority, Coalition for a Better Acre, Moody Elementary School, Butler Middle School, and the McAvinnue Elementary School. Our partnership sites in Boston are the Epiphany School, Rafael Hernandez School, and Blackstone Elementary School.

“The team over at Collegium Pharmaceutical shares our commitment to making a positive difference in our communities,” said Kids in Tech Executive Director Olu Ibrahim. “Early exposure to STEM learning is so critical for young people to start preparing to be next-generation leaders in the innovation economy – and those opportunities aren’t available to everyone equitably. With the support of partners like Collegium, we’re helping to level that playing field for kids who come from underresourced backgrounds.”

With computer science driving many industries, the need for kids to be well-prepared for these career paths is stronger than ever. “Given the well-documented diversity problem in the tech industry, we’re particularly energized by companies that step up to invest in a pipeline of diverse young talent so that those disparities don’t remain the status quo,” Ibrahim said.

Collegium Pharmaceutical works to provide differentiated medications to responsibly treat serious medical conditions and support people living with pain.

“Collegium’s foundational principles include embracing differences and encouraging everyone to think big and make our voices heard,” said Marissa Samuels.“ As a company powered by the innovation and passion of believers and doers, we’re excited to support these young tech innovators in their quest to become future leaders in the field. We can’t wait to see the game-changing big ideas that come from the kids.”

About Kids in Tech
Kids in Tech strives to excite, educate, and empower children to acquire skills and confidence in technology through interactive after-school programs. Our programs help kids develop the necessary tech skills and aptitudes to participate in and be future leaders of the 21st century innovation economy. To learn more, visit

About Collegium Pharmaceuticals
Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. is building a leading, diversified specialty pharmaceutical company committed to improving the lives of people living with serious medical conditions. They have a portfolio of differentiated medications to treat serious medical conditions. For more information about the company, visit
